It’s so interesting how a moment can stick with you and keep whispering to you. I’m so glad I listened to that whisper because it turned into my passion.

May 25, 2022

When I Found My Passion

Business Growth

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and this is my family. One day when I'm gone, I want to #LeaveALegacy for them to look back on and be proud. I hope that in some small way, my articles and my work do just that.

…and things started to “click”

I had just finished facilitating my umpteenth orientation for new hires when they were chit chatting amongst each other. I joined when one of them shared that they’ve learned more in the last week with me than they ever did during their “Real World 101 Prep Class” in college. Then it dawned on me. I found my passion. My niche. My jam.

Educating others on how to navigate career success was a calling. An unshakable feeling down to the very last cell in my body that I had to share my passion with the world. Things that I thought were well-known by others were ((SPOILER ALERT)) NOT.

I had no idea, that in that moment, my life would change forever. Or even more shockingly, just how much it would change…

I became OBSESSED with leaving a legacy and making an impact on more than just the new hire classes. I wanted to touch more lives. To reach more people. To be that someone that I needed when I was trying to navigate the real world.

I would work at my corporate job ALL DAY. Then I’d come home to my babies and my hubby, eat dinner, wind them down for the night and outline my dreams. The things I wanted to accomplish with my time here on Earth. Some of these things were:

  1. Buy a giant piece of land
  2. Build mini cabins on the property
  3. Host a bunch of weekend “getaway-ers”
  4. Offer survival bushcraft classes with my army veteran husband

And others? Well, you’re looking at it. Open a side hustle around HR Consulting, start a podcast and teach others what I wish was taught to me in school.

I created vision board after vision board, business plan after business plan and finally realized I needed to stop all this planning and start DOING. So while my family slept at night, I began the research. “Build an email list!” “Start with a freebie!” “Offer your best content for free!” I listened to podcasts and took courses from trailblazers who did the work before me and began to implement their strategies into my business. I was more vocal at work, sharing with my manager my new-found passion, what I wanted to get into, then built plans with him to get there.

It wasn’t easy and I still work at both every day. Career commitment, life goals and family management can all seem to battle for my attention quite often. But for now, I’m ok with that. Because now, I am actively passionate about each of those areas. I still find joy in my corporate life, I still get the butterflies about attainable side business goals and I LOVE being able to provide and care for my cuties at the end of each long week.

And speaking of my cuties, I want my story out there for them. I need my children to witness my journey wherever my final destination will be. The more I talk about my goals, the more I’m able to manifest my intentions into the world and help give my dreams wings to fly.

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